Wednesday, August 11, 2010

HOLYSCHNIKES! It's been a while....

So where's the Summer going,right? Beats me. It's been a pretty normal summer. We went to NH for July 4th weekend. Nando threw up a couple of times. He gets car sick sometimes now so I'm not enjoying that. I feel bad when he gets sick. What're you gonna do? Poor guy. Still don't have a job. So this would be me entering my 5th month on the Obama dime. Hoping that my extension takes me through to the following year/March 2011. And hoping that the Fall brings better news. Thought I'd include my newest vanity pix. LOL I'm about 268 from 350. ALL my big clothes have been given away. And it's nice to be able to shop off the rack and know it'll fit. Watching Nando is rewarding BUT HARD. Sorry I've slacked on blogging. I really have no excuse outside of the fact that I forgot. But hey, life gets in the way. I'm upset no job but happy that I'm healthier than I was when 2010 started.

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